High Temperature Effusion Cell

VolkVac Instruments’ HTEC is optimized for evaporation of low vapor pressure materials such as Co, Ti, V and others.
The design of the filament and radiation shielding inside the HTEC is optimized for stable temperature control (±0.1 °C, depending on PID controller used) in the 800-2000 °C range. To ensure clean UHV operation, the hot zone is constructed entirely of Ta and W, with all insulating ceramics shielded from the hottest parts of the cell.

There is no ‘standard’ crucible material choice for the HTEC since each application requires careful consideration. The choice of crucible material may also restrict the maximum operating temperature of the HTEC to be lower then 2000 °C. Typical maximum recommended temperatures are (can be lower depending on evaporation material and desired film purity):

  • PBN – 1600 °C
  • Al2O3 – 1700 °C
  • BeO – 1800 °C
  • VC/PG – 2000 °C
  • Ta – 2000 °CW – 2000 °C

Please consult VolkVac for recommendations.
HTECs can be supplied with an integrated water-cooling shroud, or as bare evaporators if customer already has a cooling shroud in place. Some version of the HTEC can also be built with a hot lip filament. Evaporators can also be fitted with an integrated rotatable shutter, with manual or compressed air actuation. See table below for options.

HTEC - Volkvac Instruments | UHV Design
HeaterSelf-supporting refractory filament
Flange Sizes2.75” (DN40CF), 4.5” (DN63CF)
Optimal Temperature Range800-2000 °C (max temp may be limited due to crucible material choice)
Outgassing Temperature2100 °C
Bakeout Temperature250 °C
ThermocoupleType C
UHV DimensionsSee table below
CruciblePBN, Al2O3, BeO, Vitreous Carbon, PG, W, Ta
Cables200 °C bakeable, 20 ft
Option: CoolingIntegrated or separate water-cooling shroudWater requirements: 5-15 °C, 1.5 l/min flow rate
Option: ShutterIntegrated rotary Ta shutter blade, manual or pneumatic
Part NumberCF Flange SizeIntegrated water cooling?Can integrate shutter?Crucible volume (cm3)Filament optionsVacuum dimensionsODxLmin (mm)
Screenshot 2024 03 26 at 13.54.10 - Volkvac Instruments | UHV Design
Screenshot 2024 03 26 at 13.54.24 - Volkvac Instruments | UHV Design
Screenshot 2024 03 26 at 13.54.18 - Volkvac Instruments | UHV Design

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LTEC - Volkvac Instruments | UHV Design

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MTEC - Volkvac Instruments | UHV Design

High Temperature Effusion Cell (HTEC)

HTEC - Volkvac Instruments | UHV Design

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